Beginning to look a lot like Nerdsmas

Proposed: A new holiday for book lovers everywhere — Nerdsmas. Inspired by the Nerdy Book Club and conversation with Sean Russell (@seanrussell311) and Niki Oh Barnes (@daydreamreader), Nerdsmas will be celebrated with the ritual redemption of bookstore gift cards and the exchange of favorites reads from the past year — give one and keep one.

For a book lover, there is nothing like the feeling of a shiny new bookstore gift card. Book shopping with no guilt whatsoever! A chance to escape from holiday hubbub into the world of my choosing! I get giddy over the possibilities — should I try something from a best-of list? Treat myself to a rare hardcover? Load up my Kindle? Browse the bargain racks? Look for something new?

What’s on your #Nerdsmas list? What books will you buy? Which will you give? How will you celebrate?

Upcoming Event: Baldwin School

Excited to be speaking with Baldwin School upper school students on Monday, December 9, in Bryn Mawr. I’ll be talking about both writing and the publishing process, which is an epic story on its own. I look forward to meeting the young writers and readers among Baldwin’s thinking girls and accomplished women. Thank you to Jenny Cross for setting up the visit.