Welcome to readers, dreamers, scientists, gardeners, and book dragons!

I write picture books, short fiction, poetry, and novels. I am also a multimedia artist and illustrator. My books, including The Book Dragon (Sterling, 2018, illustrated by Eva Chatelain), Mira Forecasts the Future (Sterling, 2016, illustrated by Lissy Marlin), and Deadwood (Spencer Hill, 2014), has been honored as Children’s Book of the Month/Children’s Book Club selection, Barnes & Noble Best Picture Book, B&N National Storytime, short-list finalist in the Green Earth Book Awards, finalist in the SCBWI Crystal Kite Awards, and finalist in the OpenIDEO Early Childhood Book Challenge. My poetry and fiction have also been published in Spider and Ladybug. My newest book is This or That? A Story About Choosing (Tilbury House, 2022, illustrated by Hector Borlasca).

During the day I’m a writer, editor, and content manager for higher education and philanthropy. A committed generalist, I have a humanities degree from Johns Hopkins University and a master of liberal arts degree from the University of Pennsylvania. I live in Wynnewood, PA, and Belmar, NJ, with my husband, two kids, two dogs, and two gardens.

Contact me at kellyandrews92@yahoo.com. You can also connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Goodreads.





