Beginning to look a lot like Nerdsmas

Proposed: A new holiday for book lovers everywhere — Nerdsmas. Inspired by the Nerdy Book Club and conversation with Sean Russell (@seanrussell311) and Niki Oh Barnes (@daydreamreader), Nerdsmas will be celebrated with the ritual redemption of bookstore gift cards and the exchange of favorites reads from the past year — give one and keep one.

For a book lover, there is nothing like the feeling of a shiny new bookstore gift card. Book shopping with no guilt whatsoever! A chance to escape from holiday hubbub into the world of my choosing! I get giddy over the possibilities — should I try something from a best-of list? Treat myself to a rare hardcover? Load up my Kindle? Browse the bargain racks? Look for something new?

What’s on your #Nerdsmas list? What books will you buy? Which will you give? How will you celebrate?